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April 25, 2022

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family if you are Injured on the Job


How to Protect Yourself and Your Family if you are Injured on the Job

Unsurprisingly, the tradesmen who build our homes, offices, and infrastructure are among themost at-risk for workplace injury. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics consistentlyreports that the highest fatality and injury rates are in the construction trades. This is especiallytrue for: Electricians; Carpenters; Iron and Steel Workers, Laborers, and Heavy EquipmentOperators. As their employer’s concern for safety decreases, the Worker’s risk of injuryincreases, exponentially. Blatant employer and general contractor violations of the New YorkState Industrial Code and Labor Laws have become widespread in recent years, and our lovedones in the trades have paid the price. Some of the most common workplace accidents include:scaffold falls; Other height-related falls (ex. unsafe ladders and elevators); debris and refusefalls; unsafe or non-existent safety equipment (harnesses, safety guards, helmets, gloves); andelectrocution.

Unfortunately, many Construction Workers do not know their rights if they are injured in anaccident. Oftentimes they are discouraged from even reporting an injury. If they do make aclaim, they may be told by inexperienced lawyers (recommended to them from the job) that theyare only entitled to minimal lost wages and medical expenses. Sadly, they are unaware that theGeneral Contractor (and Owner, at times) is also held accountable under New York State Law.With this in mind, if you or a loved one is injured at a construction site please do the following:

1. Report the accident immediately, and insist that it be in writing;

2. Have photographs taken of the accident scene and equipment involved;

3. Insist on medical treatment if you feel pain, and discontinue work for the day;

4. If anybody witnessed the accident, take their information down;

5. Immediately contact an experienced Attorney who has a proven track record handlingconstruction site injuries.

At Rosner Russo Shahabian PLLC, we pride ourselves on having assisted many injuredConstruction Workers and their families, through the difficult times that follow an accident.

*For educational and informational purposes only, and not as a substitute for legal advice.